Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb


Christmas is nearly on us so for me and Mrs B its up to Renfrew for a few days to meet up with #1 son and his girlfriend. We will have Christmas dinner with them on Christmas Eve before they will leave in the morning to spend the day with Suziq's family. Really looking forward to seeing them again.

Meanwhile #2 son will be in Ireland to spent Christmas day with his girlfriend's family. They return on Boxing day and we will all meet up at my Nephews for more food and drink. My niece Views of My World will also be there, so it will be a bit of a blippers convention.

Before heading up the road I blipped the only faintly sunny interval we may get all day! And as for the title? - Well the wee tub of a boat in the foreground in named Laphroaig as the owner is fond of this famed Islay whisky.

Have a good festive blip day all.

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