A caroling cow

"Here we come, wassailing...." Whoops! Wrong song, I guess. Something tells me that the wassail bowl wasn't filled with milk, so it's an unlikely carol for our cow to be singing. Maybe "Away in a manger" would be better.

When I was a girl I lived in the farm country of southeastern Pennsylvania where there were dairy farms all around us. My father was not a farmer, but he was in the dairy business, and I often went with him when he drove out to inspect the dairy herds. My appreciation for cows stems from those days, but nowadays I do not live in dairy country. Instead of visiting the farms, I collect cows, plaster cows, glass cows, even Christmas tree ornament cows. Today's blip is one of those, and if the nasty, rainy weather continues, I may treat you to blips of my other cow ornaments. With the amount of rain we've had, you can almost count on it.

Tomorrow will be Christmas Eve and Hanukkah began a day ago. Happy holidays to all those who are celebrating. My prayer is for peace on earth and good will among men and women everywhere.

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