Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

A Craving to Eat Paper

Missed my morning meeting today.
Didn't even realize it until a few hours later.
Saw the professor later and apologized profusely.
Thesis work this weekend.
Need to have my source list by Tuesday and a beginning to my methodology by Wednesday.
It's gonna be a long weekend.

Got home from class and meetings only to realize that my head was pounding, light hurt my eyes, and my nose was running.
Checked webmd.com and listed my symptoms mostly for laughs.
An amusing symptom you can check off:
'Craving to eat ice, dirt or paper'
Webmd.com has declared that I might have cancer, the common cold, sleep apnea, caffeine withdrawal, narcotic abuse, dementia in head injury, a brain aneurysm, or a sinus infection.

I'm betting it's a sinus infection.
And the guys below me are throwing a party that I was invited to.

If only I didn't feel like hell.

Here's a pretty flower on a pretty tree for you.

Story update...

Reminder that this is a story, not drawn from my life or anyone I know. This is entirely a work of fiction. Any likeness to actual events or people is entirely coincidental and completely possible.

I gulped. Cleared my throat. Opened my mouth and...nothing.
I took a deep breath. And tried again.

Leaning against the wall, he took a swig from his bottle of water.
"Why are you standing out in the rain?"
Glancing up, my reply was almost lost in the downpour. "Because I like squishy shoes and because I keep hoping that one day it will turn me into a unicorn so that I may go on adventures to make-believe lands."
He looked at me warily. "A unicorn?"
I laughed. "I'm kidding. Don't worry. I'm not actually crazy, I promise."
"The only difference between a crazy person and a sane person is that the crazy person knows they're sane."
I laughed. "Okay, so maybe I am a little crazy. But heck, it's oh so much fun."
His smile at that almost took my breath away.

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