LocalBoy & His Fotographs

By stevenbirrell

Yes! Moshi Monsters!

Good old Santa! He seemed to come up trumps today. I only had the camera out for a little while this morning when Robs was opening her presents. Rather than posed for shots - and I have got plenty of those today of the family - I liked to capture her reaction when she opened presents. Some she had asked Santa for, others she had no idea but had talked about them during the year.

We've had a really nice day and Robs seems to have had a lot of fun, so for me that's a good Christmas. Sitting here feeling very full, trying to find something half decent to watch on the telly, my wife is happily reading her Kindle.

We visited a lot of the family and then had lunch at my mum's. My soup turned out well, and the turkey and the trimmings were excellent. Still plenty of leftovers for the next few days!

I hope you've all had a great Christmas. Go on, have that extra After Eight mint - you deserve it :-)

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