Belinda Lee

By bellee

Boxing day at Dads

So today was Christmas at Dad's house, because Annette had to work yesterday. Dad came and picked up Michael, Lauren and myself from my place this morning so that we could all have a drink. And on the way, he told us a little secret that baby Sienna was going to visit this afternoon but Annette didnt know.

We kept it to ourselves, and secretly were excited that she would be visiting, little Sienna is the first baby in the family and the first one that I have ever held as of this afternoon. Annette was so excited, it was great that the new family could visit.

I think this is what Christmas is about, they have been struggling a bit but they were able to venture out and come and spend some time with the family and I think get some relaxation in as well as a good feed of cold meat and salad!

She is a beautiful bubs and this is a photo of my dad holding her, he is step-grandpa, but he was so excited think he actually shed a tear or two. Sorry dad, I think she is lovely but it still won't happen for a little while yet!

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