Capital adventures

By marchmont

Twins - almost a year

My very first blip on 29th December 2010 was my cousin, twice removed, Isla Ross. Here, 3 days early for my 1st blip anniversary, is Isla again, this time with her brother, William, and their parents Jenny (my cousin, once removed) and Liam . Out of shot are proud grandparents, my cousin Douglas and his wife Dorothy.

I haven't seen the twins since last December - my how they've grown! They are typical 18 month olds, on the go all the time and fascinated by the tree, the pretzels, the chocolates and the glass coasters. This is not a child ready flat! The funniest bit was when William noticed Molly behind the settee and starting making cat noises at her and then Isla got it on the act. As she's smaller she starting yanking William by the hair to pull him out of the way so she could get in about to see. Molly stayed put! She has a new hiding place, on the futon mattress under #3 son's bed. Lazy cat.

Yesterday nephew M and I couldn't get the scullery window opened and I did a bit of unDIY, standing on the worktop - oops. Today it was the bathroom window I couldn't open but Douglas managed to open them both. He said it needed an engineer. As requested Santa brought J has given me a hammer drill, picture hooks and rawlplugs for my Christmas/birthday. Exciting times lie ahead! Still to get that electric screwdriver though.

Apart from the family visit I've have had a quiet day - clearing up, putting away leftovers, making carcass stock. #3 son and F have gone to the sales, it was supposed to be at 9 but #3 son didn't emerge till noon. F was not amused.

I don't really do the sales. Boxing Day was always my favourite Christmas day - a leisurely day, no cooking, just relaxing. We always used to have a walk on Boxing Day, the friendship group, augmented with children and partners and dogs, usually went round the Keith Hall estate, then back to one of our homes for a scratch meal of leftovers - different soups, veg, puddings and trifles! No longer. Haven't been out today, except for a foray out onto the scaffolding to stick up the outside thermometer on the window. It tells me it's still very mild, but it was also very windy, outside 3 floors up. What a change from last year. Apart from the family I've been in touch with just allan to let him know that #2 son gave me Filmhouse membership. Look forward to him choosing our next film although I may go to the Edinburgh films day next Sunday.

So a restful evening, those leftovers, Sauv Blanc, Merlot oh and some turkey and the trimmings! May even stay awake watching tv. And I have to phone my m-in-l, somehow in all the rush of yesterday I forgot. Ooops!

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