smile like a rabbit

By smilelikeabunny

Coffee break

Having eaten solidly, though not just solids, for the last few days, I decided today would be a perfect time to carry on picking up leaves from my front garden. Two huge trees, one beech and one oak, have been able to shed more leaves than I thought was treely possible. 14 bags already! I mean, 14!!!!

Then I discovered the sun was so warm that tanning my ears, well to be precise my right ear as this is the one facing south, was possible. I therefore got a coffee and the rather nice luxury chocolate wafers my dear mother left me last night, and an sat with my feet buried in the leaves wishing I was in the Canaries. The islands that is.

The pleasant weather has sadly distracted me from my Christmas series but it will only take a few wet days, and they will surely come, before I re-enact the whole thing. Of course the series name does lend itself to be re-named to such as 'Things not going down my pants this Tuesday' and so on.

So for now I will be content with my coffee and wafers and muse, as one always must, on leaves and their wicked ways.

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