In Between Days

By jase

Christmas Eve

I took the kids to the cinema in Leeds for the 10:30 showing of Tintin. I thought it was good. The kids enjoyed it too. Afterwards we went to the White Rose shopping centre to get some last minute presents. I expected it to be really busy but it was surprisingly easy to park. Alana helped me choose some Pandora beads for L.

The evening was spent at the squash club watching Alana and Louis in the yearly nativity play. Alana started doing the squash club nativity when she was part of a singing/drama club there years ago and even though she stopped doing this we still go. Throughout the week they have a practice every evening. Its a classic nativity. Alana was a narrator along with her school friend Tamzin and Louis requested a non speaking part so was a King's servant. The grandparents and nana came along to watch. Alana and Tamzin sang a duet and Louis was dragged into singing one line of the Twelve Days of Christmas. He was twelve lords a leaping and he was impressive!

Afterwards it was home and kids two excited kids to bed.

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