In Between Days

By jase

Christmas Day

Woken by Alana just after 6am. She hadn't been downstairs to check on the present situation but soon woke Louis and off they went to see if the man in the big man had been.

I think they got what they wanted and more. Alana's main present was an iPod Touch which she loves and Louis was overjoyed to find he was given a 3DS even though he was told earlier in the year he couldn't have one. This one came with a letter from Santa telling him he had been such a good boy he had been given one but also told him he couldn't use the 3D until he was 7.

The 3DS was the one thing he really wanted along with a white Lego ninja. We decided to get him one after seeing his Christmas mojo all but disappear when told they were for 7 years and older. He even said he's have one for Christmas and not play with it until he was 7 - thats next October.

Christmas dinner was round at Ls parents. I was a bit sleepy at times but all in all it was a nice day.

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