Looking Forward...

By Fiono

Out with the old...

As 2011 draws to a close, we're all preparing for the new year coming. Houses are being tidied, parties planned and resolutions being made. I don't see why we always have to wait until January 1st to start them, so I started this blog on boxing day. I have also cleared out my room today rather than Hogmanay and hope to keep it tidy. I have also, much to my mum's delight, bought a new pair of boots to replace the scruffy ones I was still walking around in.

It is amazing that we have a God who renews us everyday and gives us a fresh start no matter how many times we mess up. Through His Holy Spirit He is changing us each day to be more and more like Jesus, the perfect example of how to live for God. Why wait until January 1st when we can enrich our lives today by putting our faith in Him?

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