Views of my world

By rosamund


It was extremely windy here again today, almost as bad as the last time.

It was a wee bit scary as I was in the house on my own as poor Carlos had to travel to Glasgow for work and the trains weren't on a full schedule. I didn't like the way the wind was coming in through every gap and rattling the windows.

I had to go to Tesco as I'm catering for the Rodriguezes tomorrow so I stopped down the front en route to take a few snaps of the waves. In the end I had over 500 shots, mostly taken from inside the car with the window rolled down. I did try to do it outside but it was so windy I couldn't hold the camera steady and I was being blown off my feet. At least being parked at the side of the road was a little more sheltered and thankfully none of the big waves sprayed in my open window.

I do enjoy the exhilaration of the wind, but not the cold and rain it brought with it today.

Hope you're all snuggled up indoors cosy and warm in your respective corners of blip land.

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