Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Fourth Day of Christmas: Piano

He's not called the Comeback Kid for nothing!

To recap, Reuben went into intensive care on Christmas Day with RSV, a pretty scary virus which left me shocked, scared and then in tears. He was vaccinated yearly for his first 3 years being special risk, but not since as is the protocol. He came home on Boxing Day after being on an IV to replace his lost fluids and being stabilise. I've been looking after him through the nights thankfully as I didn't want to rely on a nurse without experience or understanding of how touch this is for him. And more so, I just wanted to be closer to him, sleeping in the bed alongside him.

So today has been another sofa day for the boys watching Christmas movies, The Grinch and The Wizard of Oz. Tonight at bedtime, Reuben read me That's Not my Santa but in true Reuben style he insisted on changing some of the words so that it became, That's Not my Sail with a dry laugh. Funny little man.

I've been taking a little photography break, seeing things for once unencumbered by the lens, cementing memories in my heart and mind in a different way.

I get a little dismayed when I see Christmas trees coming down. It makes me sad for the loss of the meaning of Christmas and its traditions. Of what's being missed of this gorgeous time of year. My family would celebrate for 12 days up until The Epiphany on January 6th when the tree and all the decorations would come down as how else can the Three Wise Men find their way to the Nativity if not for the lights? We would go into hibernation during this otherwise bleak wintry time of year and see little of anyone else. I loved that. For anyone feeling sad about being on the other side of Christmas, when I feel that it has really only begun, strange that different perception, perhaps think of today as being only the 4th day of Christmas. I'm not sure what's lovelier than a home decorated and glowing each night between Christmas and New Year, my favourite time of year. And I love how St Monica's Church is only decorated on Christmas Eve, giving that incredible wow factor and feeling of anticipation for the season ahead. But now I sound like I'm preaching. Just getting it off my chest, the thing that makes me sad.

Today I made some new investments, the 35/1.4 and the 70-200mm/2.8 USM IS II which I'm beyond excited to receive. I'd thought too long and hard about what I felt was missing in my gear and felt so much better having made the decision. Yep, huge investments but I just can't wait!

I love last year's Blip of Callum.

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