Pugs, horse, baby and me!

By Puggirl

Pick on us and we will turn you to stone ;)

Hi everyone

So I came down the stairs this morning to Gary who tells me "we are going on a day trip" excited I asked where we are going to go and if the pugs can come, we got in the car and were on our way to Blaise Castle.

I must have been there before but was too young to remeber it, but Gary seemed to know how to get there and walks...Well, I will get to that later!

It was raining, but we were not put off! We put Esmé in the baby carrier and off we went!

I took this comic photo of the puggles at the front of the manor house, two big stone dogs, it had to be done!!

We got lost big time and walked for what seemed like hours, I kept saying to Gary lets ask for directions... I am sure you all know what happened next, he kept saying I know where we are bla bla bla!!!

In other news we saw so many dogs of all kinds of breeds, was lovely but there is one breed of dog which sends Buttons cold... Huskies, let me explain why - we went to Centre Parcs last year and some Huskies were pulling a sleigh thing and they mauled her, badly. The dogs were part of the park and of course I was livid... They even knocked over a small child to get to Buttons who was left screaming on the floor :(( I took it right to the MD of centre parcs and demanded they took the dogs out of the park as they are a danger, and guess what - they did! Result.. But not for my poor Buttons she is now a wreck when it comes to bigger dogs...

Anyway the three Huskies we saw today were friendly and even though I was holding her and she was shaking it made me happy that not all Husky dogs are pug haters like the baddies at CP... :)

Hope you have all had a great day

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