Pugs, horse, baby and me!

By Puggirl

Camp as christmas!

Hi everyone

A very wet and horrible day, with no break between showers :(

We have all been in bridgwater today visiting my best friend and her little girl Jessica. Jessica is a few months older than Esmé and is crawling and it scares me that Esmé will be on the move in a few months!

One of my fave christmas presents is pictured here, Gary's Mum and Dad bought us two baubles of the pugs in cowboy hats :) of course I will blip Rolo tomorrow in his, and he looks very camp in his hat!

I do bootcamp three times a week (starting at 6.30am and it is outdoors) and as I have been ill recently and have been unable to go, I got a bootcamp DVD as a pressie very funny as I am feeling a bit better I did it - well the pugs thought it was great me jumping around like a loon, I should have drawn the curtains as I looked like a complete weirdo!!

No riding for me either today, poor Harvey. I hope to ride tomorrow.

Keep dry everyone :)
Lots of love

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