Life from above!

Spent a pleasant couple of hours at Bradfords media museum this morning. A blip meet organised by wendles56 with yearofhappy, sgwarnog & myself in attendance

Here we are taking a group shot in one of the fun house mirrors!

Great to meet up with fellow blip enthusiasts & certainly brightened up what was a very damp & otherwise dreary day!

On way home I took a wander around Bradfords newly opened water feature & I bumped into swarnog again so took a shot of him between the fountains!

Here's another shot of me in media museum

Fortunately we evaded being exterminated by this guy!

Rest of afternoon spent with cups of tea reading Steven Fry's 'The Fry chronicles'.

He's a man after my own heart & this quote certainly resonates with me:

I have to believe that all the feelings I have described are not unique to me but common to us all. The sense of failure, the fear of eternal unhappiness, the insecurity, misery, self-disgust and the awful awareness of underachievement that I have described. Are you not prey to all those things also? I do hope so. I would feel the most conspicuous oddity otherwise. - Steven Fry

Oh how these thoughts torment me most days!

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