New baby, new life

By laurab

The One with the New Year and the New Hope

My life over the last few years has been far too centred around death, disabilities and sadness, but 2011 saw a change in that and New Life took on the starring role. But those that are gone still (and always will) feature heavily in my thoughts, and so came about this blip. Bringing together two people who sadly will never meet but, had they been given the chance, would have adored one another.

So, as 2012 quickly approaches, I want to look back but also forwards. This year I finally have some hope for the future. I am able to think of the year ahead not only in terms of yet another without my wonderful Dad, Eric, but also as my first full year with my amazing daughter, Holly Erica. She has already been through so much in her first 7 months and is still smiling. Hollypops has changed my life in so many ways. She has given me the ability to see some of the beauty and wonder of the world again, rather than only the unjustified pain and grief it has the potential to cause. She has given me back my hope and I can't thank her enough for that.

My only wish is that 2012 brings us all better health and fewer hospital trips, please!


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