Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

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Too bad they're not open tomorrow -- and I wasn't referring to any of the bottle stoppers.

We had an enjoyable time walking around Fairhaven this afternoon in the wan sunshine. We took Miss Annie to Village Books for her usual treat, and I ordered David Pogue's Mac OS X Lion: The Missing Manual. Pogue, a regular contributor to the New York Times Technology section, has a way of explaining things in terms that the non-geek can understand. He also manages to include humor in his reviews of the latest techie things.

Miss Annie retired to the rear seat of the Jetta while we enjoyed brunch at the Harris Cafe and joined us afterwards to get another dog biscuit at the Paws Awhile (Humane Society) thrift shop.

Cynthia spotted this in the window of a barbershop in Fairhaven and very graciously allowed me to blip it.

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