
By schlimm

Happy New Year!

I've started the new year with a cold. Never even made it into the new year consciously (and this not because of too much drink but because I went to bed before midnight and was fast asleep when the fireworks started...). It looks like this time the cold stayed out of the lungs which may well be a plus but I'm still grumpy and tired and suffering a bit. It's the holidays so I can take it easy I suppose.

B is visiting and L very happy to have her godfather there. He's good company and although he's a chef I'm not too worried about my cooking. I found a reduced ham in the supermarket so am hoping it does what it promised on the pack.

A new year and therefore also new resolutions. I didn't make any properly, there are ideas in my head to do with too many clothes in the wardrobe that should either be worn or passed on and that elusive DSLR which I tried to put money aside for last year and never managed. There's a bigger chance this year since it's going to be the big 40 birthday so I'll work towards that too.

There are other more creative ideas as well which I will let stew for a little while longer and we'll see what comes of them.

Oh and obviously the big blip-resolution to post a picture a day ON the day for a year if I can manage. Too much backblipping going on just now.

Happy New Year!

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