
By strawhouse

Happy New Year

So here we are at the start of a new year. So many possibilities and so much anticipation....
I think 2012 is going to be a very good year for my family: Mr K and I are getting married, Miss E will be starting Big School, Miss L will be starting nursery, Mr K starts his new job next week, Centerparcs to look forward to again in December!! And who knows what else?!!!
And I'll have a record of every day through Blip. What a great way to record all the big things and - just as importantly - all the small, everyday, seemingly insignificant things.
And - as I know I'll be looking at this next January 1st - I'm going to record a few of my resolutions:

1. Lose weight for my wedding. 15 weeks to go so I should be able to get a bit skinnier.
2. Deal with paperwork/admin when I get it rather than leaving it to the last minute/losing it/stressing about it/missing deadlines/spending hours hunting for it
3. Finish the Great North Swim in June.
4. Keep up with the gym classes and exercise after the wedding.
5. Watch less TV
6. Spend less time on the Internet
7. Stick to our new housework schedule
8. Spend more time alone with Mr K
9. Speak to the people I love more rather than via facebook and text
10. Try and remember that the children won't be children forever and enjoy them more.

It's so easy to write them down, let's see how I get on!!!!!
Here's to a happy and healthy 2012.....

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