The long journey

By thelongjourney

At the end of the day....

...we take group photos!

Today was the last day of the conference in Bath and after two full days of technical presentations and mingling with the gurus of optimisation it was picture time. This one is just for the people from Leeds Uni: you can see me and Lucy of course, a couple more phd students, 2 lecturers and my two lovely supervisors Ozz (3rd from the left) and Vassili (on his right in the first row). It was good! Now back to normal......until my parents come to visit at the weekend. This means i will be extremely busy cleaning the flat until friday, you know what parents are like!


ps. I took a funny picture yesterday, but still waiting for approval from the blip moderator since it was a collage I did on photoscape...does anyone know how to keep exif data when combining photos on photoscape??

"So many miles and so many roads
And people who don't even know my name
So many times I've looked to western skies
Nowhere I go is quite the same
As that sweet home waiting for me
At the end of the day"

At the end of the day - Yonder mountain string band

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