My Life Is Not Average

By melamny

Twenty Twelve

Happy New Year everyone!

I spent the first hour of this new year incredibly hyper. After consuming two cups of Irn Bru, one cup of Coke and a mug of coffee at Spin Cycle last night, I was in hysterics and running around like a five-year-old by the time we were all clearing up and going home. Heh.

After church this morning, my Grandparents came by for lunch, a dog walk, tea, and dinner. My sister entertained them with her new graphics tablet, while I played the piano (rather badly) in the background. Next winter, Christmas will be at my house and New Year will be at my Grandparents house.

Went to my friend Tim's new flat this evening and played Mario kart for the first time. I lost every single race except the very last one I played ...

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