
By LeeAnne

Back to reality...

Motivation - I have none! I have to force myself to go here... am glad I did today though. Feel better for getting back in the pool. I'm not very good at the whole gym thing, I don't really enjoy it. Swimming though, I love. I lost 48lbs last year, then I stopped smoking and put half of it back on. Now I have to manage it all because I have four months till my goal date of the wedding of the year in April so I need to pull my finger out and get my lardy arse into gear. I am getting back on the wagon mostly because I gave away all my fat clothes my nice new clothes are hidden in the wardrobe and I'm living in the same few bits and pieces that actually fit me! Doh!

So today was the start of my plan... I managed my kilometre (50 lengths) in 33 minutes instead of the usual 27 so some work required there. I can't afford the personal trainer I had before so I really need to find some motivation from somewhere. By force if necessary!

Sarah has gone home now, I've had a lovely weekend catching up. Effortless friendship is where it's at, I have many of those and they're ace. We've done some stuff, hung out and brought in the new year in comfort. Long may that continue. I also convinced her she needs to be a Blipper! Hurrah!

Now I need to tidy up the flat, get an early night and manage to get out of bed in time to swim before work. Start as I mean to go on.

Watch this space!

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