Three cold walks

It is very cold in Edinburgh today.

On my early morning walk the pavements were quite icy in places so my paws were skidding around all over.

Ann went out for lunch and because I had to stay 'home alone' she said she'd take me up Arthur's Seat for a good run first. It was very windy up there.

When she came back I got taken on another walk. It was raining and it was still a lot colder than what I'm used to. Now I'm 'home alone' again?!

I've noticed that a lot of dogs in Edinburgh wear coats. We're not sure if it's because it's cold or whether they're just fashion accessories? Some of them look quite smart. However Ann says there's no way she's buying me a coat. There's hardly a walk goes by when I don't find some water or mud to wallow in so she says I'd never manage to keep a coat clean. She says if I'm cold I'll just need to do extra running. That's a bit mean. I think I'd look very smart in a red tartan coat!

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