
By Ilaria

An insane morning!!!!!

Well...I'm not even going to apologise for the blurriness and poor quality of this shot!! It was taken en route home this morning on a terrifying drive from work in winds that were just ridiculous!!! The wind sounded horrendous in the ward last night, and you could hear missiles flying about outside!! A window got blown in on a nearby ward, and as I left an almighty great HOWL came up the nearby stairwell, and suddenly the fire alarms went off!! I'm not usually scared of the weather...but it was frightening!!

Then I left to travel home!! Having decided to avoid the Kingston bridge anyway, I took the City Centre route!! As it turned out, the Bridge got shut around this time with two overturned lorries!! En route to the Clydeside I dodged a chinmey, the top of a tree, a ten foot billboard, some fencing, and loads of flying litter!!

When I reached the Clydeside it was a scene of growing devastation.....4 trees across the road, and the Clyde rising ridiculously!! I could not resist stopping for this blip...the walkway to the passenger ferry submerged in water,and the waves lapping up to the walkway along the river. The water was only a foot away from usually have to climb down a ladder to reach it!!!!!!

Then I drove on.....dodging a few more chimneys, and mountains of litter and large disposal bins!! On the motorway, my car literally moved all by itself an entire lane and completely freaked me out!!!! While I love that film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang....I do NOT want to be in the sequal!!!!!!

The truly saddest bit was when I got home. On the 5th of November I took what is probably the best photo of my life...the gorgeous trees and bench in the morning misty frost??!!! of the trees was just ripped to pieces!!! It's so sad....I'm waiting for that shot to be framed for my mum and's there now....and the scene can never look the same!! I'll admit that my truly sick brother attempted to commiserate with me by making the comment....

Poor tree, RIP....
Ripped in pieces!!!!

Despite myself....I did burst out laughing!!! But it is a crying shame...
Across in the park opposite me there are about 5 trees destroyed, and the wind just keeps gusting!!

I know this is nothing compared to other places in the world....but it's still so sad to see such destruction. Considering how many sirened vehicles drove past me, I have a horrible feeling there will be human casualties in all this too, I just hope and pray no fatalities....

Anyone out there today in Scotland...stay indoors unless absolutely's too dangerous out there today....

Take care...

I'm off to the safest place....bed...

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