In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

The Prisoner

Although this is still a holiday up here, I have to go back to work today. When I got up, it was sunny and fine, now it is pouring rain and windy. Welcome 2012.
A lazy blip today. This wooden football boot has seen better days. I belonged to my granddad, and was carved by an Italian prisoner of war.
It used to sit just inside his front door on top of the cupboard that held the electric meter, along with another carving. The other one was, I believe, a rugby boot. I have no idea where that vanished too.
My Granny gave this to me several years before she passed away, as she knew I always liked them.
It is inside a plastic Lego type frame, which I bought in New York some years ago. The idea of the frame is that you can buy as many as you like, and join them together, Lego style, into whatever shape or style you wish.
I only bought one.

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