
By KirstyHalbert



Today I'm ill; sick, dizzy, tired and feeling like someone's kicked me in the kidneys. Luckily when it got to lunchtime, I ran out of jobs to do at work and my boss kindly said I could go home. I only just made it onto my sofa before falling asleep for 3 hours.

When I woke up, Mum was arriving home with food shopping, and proceeded start cooking for the dinner I had promised M's Mum and Dad - what a star. She made 90% of it, and all I had to do were a couple of simple things. We had a vegetarian feast of celery gratin, root vegetable fritatta, baked mushrooms and pesto and feta stuffed peppers, served with crusty bread and salad. Mum even made caramel-dipped strawberries and coffee for pudding!

I felt so so so ill when Ian and Susan left that I just couldn't bring myself to take a proper photo - I was ready for bed! I didn't want to cheat and backdate a photo that was actually taken on a different day, but this journal has actually become like a diary for me, and I didn't want to miss out on a text entry: so this is how today's "Blip Fail" came about!

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