Crazy Red

By crazyred

Colors and addiction

I already told you about some addictions I have. First place: Photography, what else? Secundo: Smoking, unhealthy yet stimulating and hard to get rid of, though come August after my vacation... I will quit smoking! Yes I can!!

Sorry, got carried away a little.

Where was I? Oh yes, my third addiction: these chocolade covered peanuts. Like the M&M's but from a brandless kind. Much cheaper and tastier. Can't help myself. These colors always seem to scream to me from the shelf in the Supermarket. "Take me! Take me!" And I end up buying them. Tried to go to another market, but they were there also. Tried making detours in the market avoiding the candy section. It was no use. They were on sale right at the checkout... I gave up.

So now you know. Shocked much?

Nighty night.

Crazy Red out.

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