Crazy Red

By crazyred

Listen to the music

Another look in my life. Me at me own desk surrounded by computers. The big one is my main pc for photo editing and internet. The extra screen is used to put all the pallettes in CS3 so I can use the gracious space of my 19" screen for the photo to edit. Cool huh?

The laptop in the background is for tracking bad weather (photo-ops!) and the one in the front is my work laptop that I use when working from home. Notice that it's off at this time (16.00 hours). In my opinion it's after working hours somewhere in the world...

The headphones are from Skullcandy and at this time I'm listening to Alice Cooper screaming that School's out... Silly bugger.

So, Friday is coming to an end as a workday and my 3 week-holiday have officially begun. Yay! Next week Thursday I'll hop on a plane to Iceland for some serious hiking. More on that later on. Tonight is a quiet night with some dinner, tv, a brewsky and nothing else.

Have a great one and see ya'll in the morrow.

Crazy Red out.

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