Journeys day by day

By KathleenS

He's back!

Back to work, back to the pond. Checked out his tree on the way in, didn't see him, so went to try to catch the red-tailed hawk that was sitting in the tree above. As soon as I raised my camera, he was out of there. Took a few photos of the ring-necked ducks when I heard a soft mewing. He was back! I was excited to hear him so now that sound is filed away in my brain. I hear so many birds before I see them, and it helps knowing what I'm hearing. Much different than his other local cousins the downy, hairy, pileated and flicker who have very loud sharp calls. He was drilling away making more holes for sap to seep out of. I have several shots like this, and this may not be the best, but it was the only one that had a little "bit" of the tree flying off, as he had just had a few hammers at the tree. I liked the bit of action.

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