Journeys day by day

By KathleenS

Red sky in the morning

Sailors take warning indeed. As usual left home in the dark for work, but could see the Eastern light working it's way Westward, backlighting our beautiful mountain. I knew it was going to be an amazing sunrise. I think we live by the most beautiful mountain in the world, but this weekend it was a scene of great tragedy.

Community mourns Mt. Rainier park ranger murdered on Sunday

I have been where this all played out and know the area well. It would be to the bottom right of this picture, less than two hours from my house. Such beauty and such tragedy. The park is still closed and will be till Saturday. The officers where I work are wearing black bands over their badges mourning the loss of a fellow LEO. There were 125 people at the visitor's center where he was headed, and I think she may have saved lives by not letting him get the last mile up to that area. An angel in green.

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