With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Home to home

Up at 6.30 and off to the airport. No hitches. In fact somehow we ended up getting on the plane without having to wait in the queue and in the first few (much to the annoyance of some, but we just did as we were told).

Remarkably the bags were within the weight restrictions, but that was partly because we were wearing most of our clothes. When we got off the plane in nearly 20 degrees, we had to strip it all off.

The boys hopped around the square and the house as I sorted a few things in town and unpacked at home. These were one of the essential imports. I was limping on before we went away with rather unsatisfactory bags. Now the only nuisance once are the ones under my eyes.

The sun is shining. Much to do yet, the holidays aren't over....

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