A year in the Liefe of

By LainieC

Under Pressure

Have to say , felt a little bit like this hatstand today!Sixteen coats on a tiny, light metal frame and it was struggling to stay upright.And so it was with staffing.Every member was in attendance but the team leader is on jury duty for at least a month and another member of staff rang in ill.Everything was suddenly up in the air.
The day continued as it started off too ,with no keys for the stock cupboard,members turning up without fees, a member forgetting to lock the toilet door and being walked in upon by a member of the public,a mother running screaming along the corridor , baby in arms into the doctors surgery on base,taxi's not turning up to collect members at the end of the day and horror of horrors - - - NO MILK for the coffees !!
However, the rest of the scratch team pulled well together and we made it through, unlike the coatstand which collapsed under the strain."No pressure, no diamonds" and the diamond of the day was a young lad secreted from the kitchens who had the most wonderful way with our members.He deserves the award of the day.

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