
I know - it's hardly even trying when you just sit at the dinner table taking photos of the weans but in mitigation I'd like to bring to the court's attention the howling winds and darkness that accompanied the journeys too and from work and mention, in further mitigation, the pissing rain at lunchtime. If it pleases the court, I'd also appeal for clemency on the basis that waking at stupidly early o'clock cast a pall of general torpor and lassitude over the day.

On a more positive note, I'd also like to point out the good reason for using this photo rather than another that I didn't take, which is the extent to which the girl in the photo is a cartoon of herself and would draw the court's attention to yesterday's photo in which the girl appeared with the same mad hair and frock masquerading as a sketch in pencil and watercolour.

In other news, it's not often that a human resources department brings excitement. Anxiety for sure, often frustration but rarely a positive bit of excitement. And I'm not one to criticise colleagues and especially not to suggest that a general air of incompetence, bordering on stupidity, might be something that could reasonably be said. I wouldn't do that. It's rude so I won't. But anyway, it's pleasing that two months after the event and having been told that a Cycle to Work scheme voucher would not be winging its way to me because someone who isn't me hadn't set up the website properly and then hadn't told everyone else when the fault was brought to their attention, a voucher popped into my inbox today. It's new bike city in my garage. Or it will be when I can drag myself to Glasgow to the Braehead branch of Evans who have the exclusive right to redeem the voucher.

So, all's well that ends well and I'm not some kind of fruit cake gangster who would bear a grudge at the lack of explanation, retraction or apology. No sir. Not me.

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