
By Regine

Wait, What?

Sorry, no fancy photo today, just something I stumbled across while shopping at HEMA (a great store!) with one of my sisters. It is for children (as Jip en Janneke are on it) but in my mind it can be used for other things as well ;) just saying :)

Yesterday my sister told me I could borrow The Camera again, if I wanted to... If I wanted to!!!! of course I wanted to, so today I went to Utrecht to pick it up again :)
I also needed some specialist equipment for something at home so we went shopping :)

Last night I heard some tiny feet in my kitchen and this morning I discovered a dead mouse in one of the mousetraps my dad strategically placed at my house. Really, it looks like a warzone, I tend to warn people when they are at my house for the first time ;)

The problem is that I am scared to death (horrible joke, I know) of mice and really if they are dead.... last time there was a mouse in one of the mousetraps I screamed like a little girl and a friend came over to throw away the mouse for me :)

This time I went shopping for something to be able to throw away the mouse without having to touch it or look at it, and to keep at least a few feet distance between me and the mouse. I succeeded in finding and buying this specialist equipment, so now I can throw away any dead mouse in the future!

So now it is time to face my fears and throw away the mouse... brrr... wish me luck!!!!

Oh and I also went to see my sister and the nephews, the boys are getting big and handsome!!! :)

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