What I See.


Just Say YES

I've started doing channel4 New Year's Revolution. It sets you a 'mission' to complete for every day of January. So far I've been tasked with giving something away and making a bet with a friend, but today's challenge was to say 'yes' to everything.

This resulted in last-minute dinner plans, saying 'yes' to a lift to Wokingham station, 'yes' to sharing a starter, 'yes' to a lift back to the station, 'yes' to buying another ticket when the guard asked "Any more fares?" and 'yes' to watching One Born Every Minute (a traumatic but addictive programme about life on a maternity ward) with Mum & Rhi.

I realised late in the day that I hadn't taken any pictures, so snapped a picture of the emptying station on the way back from dinner. This train was bound for Waterloo, but there was only about twenty people on it - nineteen once I'd disembarked!

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