Telly addicts

The boys were back at nursery for another 3 hours this morning. Aidan did well today. Only crying for about 30 seconds after I left. When I came to pick him up he promptly told me that he ate all his pudding. He seemed very pleased with himself. The staff told me that Aidan played happily today but didn't want to participate in any of the group activities. He was happier to play alone or watch the other children. I think he is unsure as he doesn't know any of the other kids yet. Although they did tell me he has made a wee girl friend already. Apparently they were following each other around and making each other laugh.

Logan didn't do too well today. Maybe a bit of separation anxiety I think. He got very worked up after I left. He hardly had any milk cause he was so upset then cried himself to sleep by 11am (I dropped the boys off at 10.15am). Logan was still sleeping when I arrived to pick him up at 1pm. He woke while I was talking to the staff and immediately wanted me to pick him up.

Aidan hadn't realised Logan was at nursery too as they are in different rooms. He was really quite startled to see Logan sleeping in another room. He said 'Mummy, Lonan *, Mummy' and kept pointing at him with a worried look on his face. After I explain that Logan goes to nursery too and that he was just sleeping Aidan seemed to calm down a bit.

In my free time I did more tidying, made phone calls and did a wee Tesco shop.

In the afternoon both boys were pretty tired and became glued to the telly. They were watching Ponyo :-)

*Aidan's not good with 'g' so misses it out in words or replaces it with a 'd'. Or in this case an 'n'

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