Thy Acrid Teardrop

By RadicalRadish

Bubble & Fizz

Time to confess. I have a guilty pleasure and it is Lush bath products.

Now, I've said it - quite glad to get it out in the open actually. Lush vouchers or bath items are what I very often get for Christmas/birthday/cheerer uppers and are always appreciated. I was introduced to Lush ten years ago by a dear friend of mine he bought me a now discontinued bath bomb and that was it, I fell in love with Lush. Since then I've tried almost every bath bomb, bubble bar, melt and so on that I can get my hands on. I have some favourites but I really enjoy trying the specials that come out at various times of the year. The shampoo bars Lush do are also brilliant one can last me for ages.

Alright, I'm not being paid for this unashamed advertising so I'll stop. But I do have a point that I want to make. Lush gives me the chance to relax in a hot bath and just do nothing. The combination of scents and colours helps my mind to untwist and calm down. It may be a guilty pleasure but I feel no guilt about enjoying it because at the end of the day it's something completely mine that requires no effort and it doesn't matter if I'm having a bad health day or if I'm feeling good because it's so enjoyable nothing else really matters.

My advice to everyone is to find something like this that will give you pleasure, peace and calm. It's not selfish, it's vital.

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