Leaving my comfort zone

By ZoneDweller

Where it all began...

So, my first entry here on blipfoto.

I can't give you any idea what to expect from here on, as I don't even know myself.

As you can see, my title says 'Leaving my comfort zone' and that is about all I can tell you. I have been doing photography for 4 years now, and am very lazy at it. I have been shooting one particular type of photography in that time, and have not wanted to do anything about it.

So why now?

New year, new start and all that, I had a few (positive) life changes in the past 12 months, and although I still walk under black clouds, I am seeing the sun rising, I have high hopes for 2012 and beyond. One of the changes I have made, is moving back to my home town, a town that I left way back in 1984, a town that hasn't changed much in that time. I, on the other hand....

So I need to change my photography, I need to change me, I get up in the morning, with no real desire to, I have no fire in my belly, I have no passion, I so need to find that spark.

There are aspects to my hobby that bores me, or I have become lazy with. Editing, filing, sorting, all needs some serious work to be done, I'm not a photographer, I just happen to own a camera.

So on to the photo, it is of the town's market cross, taken from underneath it. The cross dates back to the 15th century, the construction of the Market Cross commemorates confirmation of the importance of the Friday market by the Royal Charter in 1412, and the Friday market still exists to this day. It is also, I am led to believe, a place where hangings used to take place, and is a major landmark of this town, a focal point for a community, and often used in local printed communication.

Despite this town being somewhere that featured some of the worst of my childhood memories, it is where I am most content, and having lived away for 28 years, I have now moved back. I am now back home.

And home is where the heart is, I just need to find mine.....

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