horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Exit Stage Left

After the indulgence of the drive south yesterday for the murmurating Starlings, home was stayed closer to today. A wee wander in the morning, fetching the Sunday paper, dry and clean dishes cleared away, bedroom tidied, dining room tidied, then with Mel out of the shower I set about breakfast (with some homemade potato scones).

Dining over the morning paper there was sadly little rest for the wicked, and so the chicken runs were completely cleaned out; hen houses washed down; new food and water in; roof made more watertight (fingers crossed); raised bed fixed; garden waste taken to the tip.

Brief respite then clean the car; short walk with Mel (she's back to work tomorrow after two weeks off so looking for things to take her mind off it); tidy up the garage; organise some stuff to list on eBay and.... Here I am. Have to pop the denuded (on twelfth night) Christmas tree out into the garden (hopefully it'll survive the shock), and will likely stand and do the ironing, then I believe I may sit down briefly.


Also, got to get back to writing more interesting stuff...

#21 Redwing
#22 Chaffinch
#23 Herring Gull
#24 Blackbird
#25 Robin
#26 Collared Dove

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