A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts


Attempting to get there. In my attempt to locate more space in the garage for storing product containers which are bulky yet must be easily accessed, my Taxman had yet another brilliant idea (I suggested more shelving hanging from the garage ceiling). His idea was pretty darned cool and I think it will provide a good solution. It will also, hopefully, be the solution to a good many arguments he and I have had over the years: Him wanting to store everything up in the attic; me wanting easy access to everything. i.e., anywhere but the attic.

These attic ladders have romantic appeal to me. Not that kind of romantic! Whenever I see them it stokes the fire of my imagination, makes me wonder: a secret room? a hiding place? But I can assure you, there is very little romance involved in the installation process. Here's how it works: The installer must somehow lift the thing into the attic, above his head, while standing on the top of another ladder; temporarily nail tiny ledges on each end of the opening, get up into the attic, then lift it and set it down on the tiny temporary ledges with your wife standing below, fingers crossed, stomach lurching, afraid to look up, because of all the possible things that can go wrong - number one thing: will those tiny ledges hold this heavy thing in place? And did he measure at least twice? After a few temporary nails are pounded in, the assistant's job is to get up on another ladder and pull the attic ladder down, experimentally, again with fingers crossed, while the installer remains up in the attic to bolt it permanently in place.

It's okay for me to blip about it now since it is lag-bolted in place and the installer is safely on the ground.

Now it's time for this soapmaker, inventory-taker, attic ladder installation assistant, to get busy organizing.

The question remains, who will be the first person to officially test the ladder installation with their own weight? I know I'm lighter, but . . .

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