Journey Through Time

By Sue

Spotted Towhee (Male)

These common backyard birds of the western United States, were once called Rufous-sided towhees. It underwent a name change in 1995 by ornithologists who decided it and its very similar eastern relatives were two distinct species. In the winter we get more of the ground feeding birds and these guys like to forage in leaf debris under shrubs and bushes. They eat insects as well as seeds. This bird with the black hood and back is the male. A female will be more grey. They also have those marvelous red eyes.

I took a bunch of shots of this bird when it decided to grab these seeds, but it isn't that easy to get them in focus! I'm still learning. The light wasn't great either as most of the day was quite foggy. When it did finally clear, I had to leave for the store, and the birds sort of disappeared anyway.

Looking forward to sunny skies for couple of days this week. Hope that forecast doesn't change.

Thanks for liking my desperation blip!! LOL I had to look up the jellyfish a few of you mentioned. Wow, the things we learn. What an odd looking thing, and I can see the similarity in my photo of yesterday.

Have a good day Blippers, see ya later.

He is quite Stellar!!

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