Portrait challenge: Terry Daniels

Because Bob's friend, Terry, a former heavyweight boxer, is dealing with Parkinson's and is unable to drive, Bob gives him a ride to church on Sunday mornings. After the service this morning, we all decided to go out for brunch. Terry wanted to go to a popular local restaurant (not a chain) that just happens to have a large poster on the wall advertising the 1972 heavyweight boxing match between Joe Frazier and 24-year-old Terry Daniels. After the meal, I asked Terry if he would pose next to the poster for a picture. He was happy to oblige, and that made my blip for today.

Back in '72, Joe Frazier won that match, and he was, of course,the champ. But life moves on, and time brings changes and new challenges. Forty years have passed since that boxing match took place in New Orleans. Today Terry is fighting a different opponent, but despite the Parkinson's, he gets out and about, faces the daily challenges with a glass-half-full attitude, makes it to church every Sunday, and, as you can see, he is looking good. So I think we can say Terry Daniels is a champ too.

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