Crazy Red

By crazyred

Training Outfit

for the Icelandic climate...

You have no idea what an ordeal it was to take this photograph. It's 22 degrees Celsius in house and I'm dressed up in woolen hat, scarf, mittens and what not. Had a lot of trouble operating the remote with my snowboots on...

Anywho, al this extreme weather training may be a bit over the top. It's 15 degrees Celsius right now in the south of Iceland where I'll be hiking, so no need for mittens really. But one never knows, does one?

Right, later on some muscle juggling in the gym, getting the old heart rate up and tonight dinner at a friends house. We'll be toasting on the upcoming trip with a couple of Red Murphy's... the beer brand that is :) That sounds sweet doesn't it?

Please have a pleasant evening, do something you haven't done for a long time and do it with a smile!

Crazy Red out.

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