What did I see today...?

By DaveR

Twisted Reality


Nothing like being ill to make you sleep randomly, if at all, drain you of energy and generally add to the confusion of the day. Another day trapped in bed, this time with a book to help reality twist itself even more - and who else would it be by but Stephen King?

He is one of the few authors who has written something that has genuinely scared me (in a horror sense I mean, 'Goodnight Mr Tom' scares me too, but in an entirely different way) when I've read it. It's probably the not the best thing to be reading when my head's a little dopey from being ill but it's one of those cases where it's worse not finishing the story and stopping my imagination running rampant!

The effect on this shot was done by setting a long-ish exposure length and locking the lens in place while rotating the body of the camera to alter the perpsective. I also tried a version with the body held still and the lens moving, that produced more of a zoom effect which didn't suit the idea quite as well - I'll have to get it in a future Blip, it could help with this week's challenge.

Assuming I can get shoot an entry where "bleh" doesn't feature as the first word of course...

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