
By earthdreamer

The Old Drove Road

Working from home today for a change. I'm beavering away on a new application which we're all actually getting quite excited about. We brainstormed a name for it the other day and between us came up with something which really works. That's made it more real somehow. Not sure I can let on yet but I'll pass it by you all once we've cleared it with our client partners who will be trialling the software. It's about using social networking in the area of sexual health, to target young people at risk and encourage them to undergo tests. I feel like it's a really worthwhile project.

So, it's been good to be working on something new as opposed to fixing old bugs. It's been very mild here but a rather grey and damp kind of day. I popped out for a run at lunchtime in the drizzle and returned to a familiar spot. I offer a new perspective then on a familiar landmark, previously blipped in somewhat better weather in September and again in October.

I'm almost at the point of giving up on using the site in the evening because of the frustrations we are all no doubt feeling. I caught up with a few people last Sunday in the afternoon and it was a joy being able to jump from journal to journal without any perceivable delay. There is a wonderful flow to the commenting experience when the site is responsive. I tend to see familiar names in the journals I'm engaging with and take a kind of random and spontaneous journey around my virtual friends here. That just isn't possible when it's running slowly. I'm trusting that it will be sorted soon. I really hope so.

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