Good morning starlings

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Thick fog this morning, I saw the sun rising from it from my bedroom window, so I rushed out to take a few shots, the starlings were alarmed to see me so early & took off... so they made the shot!

I never bother getting up early for the sunrise, as it's usually *rainrise* or *cloudrise* never *sunrise* but this morning I had to be up early & I'm so glad it had to be this morning of all mornings!

Exeter hospital was fine, everything still intact. My mum had to have 2 x rays, but by the time she was ready for the 2nd the *new* machine had broken, don't you just hate love technology! Or should that be, don't you just love hate technology?

Rushed home to find....

I've been waiting all day!

Oops, sorry Larry :(

Ahhh day at home tomorrow, day of rest & relaxation, hopefully a day off from worrying, a day to be happy... haven't had one of those for ages, as always any day off leads to something bad, something set for the next day... but there is no bad next days for a long time I hope! :) xxx

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