Beautiful morning, beautiful bird

Sloth is the enemy of the blipper who wants to get early morning blips, and for quite a while now, I have been the victim of sloth. No more! I swear it! I will not let laziness keep me hanging around the house well past the good morning light. Yesterday and today I found much more blip potential in the park by going out right after breakfast. I also saw people I hadn't seen for a long time and that was a bonus. This cardinal was a bonus too. He perched on a tree branch and sat motionless as I moved closer and closer until I was finally close enough for a photo required very little cropping.

The morning sunshine has now given way to rain. In the next 24 hours that will give way to snow, according to the weather forecast. If that happens, our non-winter-like-weather will be over and something a bit more typical will return. (This blipper is pouting!) Ah well, we'll have to wait and see what develops.

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