Thin Places

By markwadd

Media day

Today has been spent thinking about the media. Firstly the shock news that Will Venters - head of news at ITV Yorkshire has died. Very sad and shocking indeed.

Then with BishopNick Baines of Bradford and a bunch of media people over lunch The discussion was about how the church relates to the media organisations. Headlines...

Bishop taken seriously by press.
Oodles of people read the bishop's blog
Bishop interested in football not just church
Social media reports breaking news before BBC
News consumers are promiscuous
Journalists are lazy, like pictures and people stories
Trust in the media is essential

Popped into Salts Mill for a top up of David Hockney on the way back.

Then finally a long, long meeting with Churches Together in Ilkley. We discussed use of Twitter and Facebook to promote events, among other things.

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