Sami's Snaps

By SamiColenutt

My new favourite jumper.

It is making me extremely happy already and I will wear it with a lot of pride tomorrow. I really, really love owls. After seeing this in December I thought I would order myself a little Christmas present - however after buying it online I soon got an email saying that my order had been cancelled due to low stock. Ever since they've been sold out on the website and I couldn't find one in a store anywhere...until today. Today is a good day.

I got up at a reasonable time, panicked for a while about uni work - then did a little (which I think is the answer to the problem) and made a uni work timetable for next week. I will be productive. I will, I will, I will.

Spent the evening shopping and having dinner with Sophie (I realise this is not productive) - nice to have a catch up after a Christmas break apart.

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