Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Celandine - What is going on?

More biggerer.

A bimble along the coombe this morning and it is obvious that everything from the flora and fauna is confused, out of synch and generally out of kilter. The birds are courting, the plants are pushing out buds and flowers, trees are in bud. It's weird.

Floundering through a muddy patch I was just about to burst into tears because a drop of water had found it's way into the heel of my boot when all was saved by the brilliance of this tiny Celandine. Regarded by some as a weed that deserves to be eradicated I love it. The flowers always remind me of a dear old soul who checked out of orbit a few years ago; she lived in a lovely old house, "Elysian Fields," overun by cats and dogs, and their uninvited non-paying house guests, ie Fleas. On my first visit to help her with a problem I tucked my trousers into my socks, perched on the very edge of a wooden chair and watched as microscopic bits of black performed amazing leaps and jaunts across the carpets and furniture. (You may now scratch to your hearts content.) :-)

A fencing contractor described what he was up to today. He explained he was new to Cornwall having recently moved from Norfolk where he had a landscaping business. He had recently completed work on John Wesley's garden. I then described Gwennap Pit to him. He said he felt goosebumps as in Wesley's garden there is an amphitheatre almost identical in structure which he had returned to it's original condition.

Rant Time:

Will I live to see the day when people tuck their shirts into their trousers and stop dressing like ??? doh, time for more medication.

Nothing to see here, move along now?.move along.

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